Saturday, 15 November 2014

Palestine: What Hope Peace

Bristol has been treated to the premiere of this riveting documentary, made by one strong-willed woman, Kerry-Anne Mendoza, before she took it on a tour of the UK. She has managed to take a catalogue of misbehaviour and injustice and present it as more than just another list; the constant cutting among Palestinians at home, in the street, under fire, reflecting on the way things are in general, plus talkers at a major public meeting on the subject, the director talking to camera, her driver and, importantly, a Jewish voice, ensures that the pace never drops - while doing justice to the fact that film is fundamentally a visual medium. Incidentally, you may come away from this as this blogger did, a good deal wiser. For instance, revealed was the fact that Israel's determination to import as many Jews as possible is undermined by the regime's racism extending to that old skin thing - so that immigrant Ethiopian Jewish women found they were being forceably sterilised. Mendoza was right in the middle of things; absolutely no distancing herself in time or place, and her voice-over at one point became a stirring call to action - no surprise as she was standing in the ruins of Gaza City at the time. 
Well worth a second look.

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