Friday 30 November 2012

Palestine - One Four Nine!

the UN  has voted overwhelmingly to recognise Palestine as the world's 194th state. It’s a largely symbolic but huge victory for the Palestinian people and for peace, and people across the world are joining with huge crowds in Palestine to celebrate.

The Palestinian people's journey to freedom is far from over. Zionist pressure groups managed to persuade the US to stand against this move, and the British Government, as ever more mindful of the 'Special Relationship' than anything else, cravenly kept out of the vote. The online pressure organisation Avaaz played a considerable part in the lead-up; the photo shows their banner hanging in Brussels.

1 comment:

  1. What this means for Palestine now:
    FRANCIS BOYLE, Professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law
    and author of "Palestine, Palestinians, and International Law", said: "This can be the start of a 'Legal Intifadah' by Palestine against
    Israel: 1. "Palestine can join the Rome Statute for the International Criminal Court
    and file a Complaint with the ICC against the illegal settlements and settlers,
    who are committing war crimes; 2. "Palestine can join the Statute for the International Court of Justice, sue
    Israel at the World Court, and break the illegal siege of Gaza; 3. "Palestine can join the Law of the Sea Convention and get its fair share of
    the enormous gas fields lying off the coast of Gaza, thus becoming economically
    self-sufficient; 4. "Palestine can become a High Contracting Party to the Four Geneva
    Conventions [this deals with the laws of war]; 5. "Palestine can join the International Civil Aviation Organization and gain
    sovereign, legal control over its own airspace; 6. "Palestine can join the International Telecommunications Union and gain
    sovereign legal control over its own airwaves, phone lines, bandwidths."
    (from Bristol-PSC)
