Thursday 7 April 2011

Bad news - good news

Israeli incursions into the Palestine “Occupied Territories”; March 2011 Palestine in March was like most other months in the past 60-odd years. In the 31 days of the month there were:
29 air strikes by Israel (F16 fighter planes, Apaches Helicopter Gunships)

137 land-based armed attacks (tanks, armoured vehicles, troops)

539 other raids and house invasions (weapons present not used);

327 night/early morning disturbances (low-flying aircraft, vehicle-borne loudspeakers); and

7 curfews - all in occupied territories. As a consequence

24 Palestinians were killed,

170 were seriously injured,

55 others were beaten,

247 were taken prisoner,

532 detained for up to 24 hours and

2,467 had their movements restricted at road-blocks and arbitrary checks.
In addition, of course, tens of thousands had their lives made a misery by the continual harassment inflicted by the Israeli army and illegal settlers. To give a complete picture: there were Palestinian attacks on 14 days in March - missiles were fired towards the Green Line. There were no reports of injury. To illustrate the life of Palestinians under Israeli occupation, here are three examples taken at random: - on the 1st March at 13:10pm, Occupation troops cut down about 25 olive trees on land near the village of Al Fureidis, in so doing taking away the farmer's livelihood - on 16th March a fanatic from the colony of Maskiot held up Palestinian children on a road near the village of Al Malih, stole their horse and tied it to his vehicle, which he then used to drag the animal along the road until it died, and - on the 22nd at 9.00am a 12-year-old boy, Shadi Fayez Omar, was admitted to hospital with severe injuries following a beating by a group of Israeli soldiers near the village of Al Jib Despite this, our politicians give their tacit support to Israel. They refuse to allow open debate about Israel's breaches of International Law - and even its own skewed laws, they allow British exports used directly in furthering the Occupation, and are promoting changes to prevent citizens initiating legal action against Israeli war criminals; while in Europe there are moves to give even more preferential treatment to Israeli exports, despite Brussels lobbying by activists in March.

list compiled by Laura Stuart

At the same time, global activism continues to build. From America, here's a perfect condemnation of the Israeli apartheid system, and its source below: Jewish Voice for Peace co-coordinator Bryan James Gordon stated: “The U.S. and Israeli governments should realize that walls and guns do not stop peaceful, hardworking people from seeking a future, and they do not make national economies any stronger, fairer or more independent. They only cause violence, and trick one exploited class into fearing and attacking another exploited class instead of the elites that are exploiting them both.”

Land Day was marked all over the world by flash mobs and boycott incursions of varying sizes:

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