Thursday 3 March 2011

Dave and the Pirates

David Cameron gave a strong message of support for Israel this week, telling 1100 guests at a dinner given by the Community Security Trust, a Jewish charity, that after “more than 100 rockets had been fired into Israel from Gaza in one year”, the country had been "within its rights to search vessels bringing cargo into Gaza".

It was a reversal of his remarks in Turkey last July following the attack on the Mavi Marmara Flotilla, when he described Israel's action as "completely unacceptable." He is a career politician, and if you do not like his principles, he has others.

He lightly skipped over the fact that the people of Gaza are imprisoned and are daily bombed and shot at, with nowhere to run, warning that "some people try to judge the Israeli government by a higher code than they would apply to their own government."

Referring to his own Jewish ancestry - his great-great-grandfather, Emile Levita, was a German Jewish banker - the prime minister finished by conflating Judaism and Israel, adding weight to the anti-semitic/antiZionist mess and unequivocally turning his back on Palestine: "With me you have a Prime Minister whose belief in Israel is indestructible. I will always be a strong defender of the Jewish people, an advocate of the state of Israel, and I will never rest while the Jewish community in Britain is under threat." He did not specify which Jewish community he was so determined to be vigilant about; neither did he mention what the 'threat' might consist of.

Full story : The Jewish Chronicle -

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