Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Is Palestine the last muse?

We've had the Last Prophet (pboh), the Last Poets and now... Is Palestine the "last muse"? If you follow the careers of several high-profile artists and musicians since they got hit by the middle east meatball you may well see it that way.Here are two for a start:
Joe Fallisi, popular Italian tenor, is more well-known in some international circles as the hyper-active Palestine blogger and activist; Gilad Atzmon, hard-working saxophonist, composer and author, dances across the crossover points between music, cultural history and entertainment, with his proseletysing always buried deep in the sound, although he always has plenty to say on the subject given half a chance.

It happens. Anyone who goes to see Palestine for themselves is almost bound to return knowing they must act. Artists are in the business of making noise, and making their work into life. So you will hear about it.

Picture: Joe Fallisi - from the diaphram

Saturday, 22 October 2011

Miri Weingarten on the Negev Bedouin

As the exchange of prisoners between Zionists and Palestinians hits headlines over the world, heavy discrimination against non-Jewish Israelis continues, notably among the Bedouin of the Negev. Miri Weingarten reports: